OTHER MEDIA | IndustriasPesqueras: Carrefour advances in its network of agreements with the fishing sector
(SPAIN, 8/7/2024)
Carrefour Spain is moving forward with its strategy to strengthen direct commercial relations with the Spanish fishing sector. The distribution chain has announced its objective of marketing 4,000 kilos of clams from the Gulf of Cadiz, purchased directly from the ship "Segundo Franlau", belonging to the Punta Umbría guild. The clams from the Gulf of Cadiz will be available in Carrefour establishments in Madrid, Levante and Seville.
Peru Protects Artisanal Squid Fishing, Targets MSC Certification Peru
A recent study published in the journal Nature, titled "Illuminating the multidimensional contributions of small-scale fisheries," highlights the critical role of artisanal fishing in food s...
Shrimp and Hake Catches: 2025 Season Update (February 4) Argentina
The National Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries has published the official catch figures for the fresh and frozen fleet for various species.
As of February 4th, 29,822 tons of shrim...