FIS has been collecting information on over 135,000 companies in the sector since 1995, showing them categorised by activity, country, species and other aspects in three languages. In the interest of the Seafood community, please verify that your company and your data are correct. If in your company's listing you encounter information that is out of date, please accept our apologies and inform us immediately so that we can make the necessary changes. Only companies subscribed to FIS will be displayed to the general public, subscribers can view all companies.
GYROMAR ELETRONICA NAVAL COMERCIO E REPRESENTACOES LTDA. Phone:+ 55 21 2283-3012 Fax:+ 55 21 2518-5905 Av. Venezuela, 03 - Grupo 214 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Gys Cargo SAC Phone:+51 726 2446 Av. Militar 2444, Lince, - Lima - Peru GYS CARGO SAC, is a company dedicated to providing solutions to protect your cargo during transport by sea, land and air.
We are exclusive representatives of the moisture-absorbing line of the trad...
Seafood Industry Supports Proposed Fisheries Rule Changes New Zealand
Seafood New Zealand has expressed strong support for proposed changes to commercial fishing regulations, citing benefits for consumers, common sense, and sustainability.
The proposals, released by th...
Illex Squid Season Resumes Strong Pace After South Atlantic Storm Argentina
Following several days of inactivity due to a severe storm affecting the Argentine coastline from Mar del Plata to the Falkland Islands, the jigging fleet has resumed fishing operations for Illex arge...