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Representatives of Sernapesca, Sercotec, IFOP, municipalities and those in charge of the community area of ​​the salmon companies | Image: SalmonChile

SalmonChile, ILO, and Ministry of Economy Launch Joint Training and Certification Project to Support Southern Cooperatives

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 01:00 (GMT + 9)

Last week, the Training and Certification of Trainers process was carried out to support cooperatives in the south of the country, an initiative launched by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Ministry of Economy and SalmonChile.

Currently, the ILO has two methodologies called Think Coop and Start Coop, where the first aims to provide tools to people who are thinking of setting up a cooperative, identifying if it is a good alternative for development and collective business, and the second , for those cooperatives that are already organized, and seek to be more sustainable in the long term. Both tools enhance this collaborative business alliance system, seeking a positive impact on communities.

This training was delivered to representatives of Sercotec, Sernapesca, IFOP, fisheries and aquaculture managers of municipalities, community managers of salmon companies, representatives of trade associations, which have direct links with territories such as Quellón, Maullín, Quinchao, Hualaihué , Ancud, among others.

The director of communities at SalmonChile, Felipe Díaz, highlighted that “this initiative was born from the ILO, inviting us to train professionals from the public and private world who are linked on a daily basis with people from communities, where the option of forming a cooperative can be good news and an alternative for local development, thinking about aquaculture, and with a focus on supporting coastal communities and small-scale aquaculture, among others.”

For her part, Daisy Carreño, professional from the Aquaculture division of Subpesca, pointed out that “thanks to the links made by the three institutions, the workshop that provides tools for the formation of cooperatives was able to be successfully completed and carried out. The undersecretary has a special focus on small-scale aquaculture, and the execution of these tools directly benefits the users who develop this activity. We hope to continue activities and projects related to these matters."

Source: Salmon Chile  (Translated from the original in Spanish)



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