Pacific Andes International Holdings Ltd - Company Send to Debt Collector
Posición: Managing Director
Nombre: Mr Joo Siang Ng
NG Joo Siang. Executive Director
Mr. Ng is responsible for advising the Group on vessel chartering and for setting the overall corporate policies, corporate planning and strategy and project development. He has over 16 years' experience in the trading of seafood products. Prior to joining the Group in 1986, Mr. Ng has had experience in the shipping agency business and the chartering and operating of ocean-going vessels calling at various Asian ports.
Mr. Ng is also the managing director of Pacific Andes International Holdings.
Opinión: La pesca china amenaza la soberanía marítima de Perú Perú
Pesqueros chinos tienen comportamiento irregular en las costas peruanas, lo que indica su presunto involucramiento en la escasez del calamar, alimento popular entre los locales.
La pota (calamar giga...