The history of Gomes da Costa is mixed with the history of many Portuguese navigators. People who appeased the world in search of a new one. Intrepid sailors who crossed the seas in search of challenges. It was in this same spirit that Rubem Gomes da Costa, a Portuguese immigrant, as bold as the great navigators of the Old World, founded in 1954 in Rio de Janeiro, a fish processing factory. It grew and Mark Gomes da Costa now has become part of everyday life for millions of people, and becoming the first brand of canned fish from Brazil
In 2004, Grupo Calvo, one of the five largest canning industries in the world, acquired Gomes da Costa, promoting innovation and growth to the brand. Today Gomes da Costa, is strongly expanded to Latin America, Africa and Middle East, present in over 25 countries
Rua São Tomé, 86 - 9º andar Edificio Vila Olímpia Corporate
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