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Photo: High Seas Alliance

Landmark science symposium a welcome step forward for High Seas protection in the Oceania region

Click on the flag for more information about Australia AUSTRALIA
Thursday, October 10, 2024, 07:00 (GMT + 9)

Landmark science symposium a welcome step forward for High Seas protection in the Oceania region Australian and International NGOs and science experts are collaborating with the Australian Government to advance the establishment of the first generation of High Seas marine protected areas in the Oceania region

Sydney - High Seas Alliance, WWF and the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative today announced a collaboration with the Australian Government to hold a landmark science and knowledge symposium to map the extraordinary values of the Lord Howe Rise - South Tasman Sea and begin stakeholder discussions about its future management and protection under the High Seas Treaty.

The Lord Howe - South Tasman Sea site has been identified by global experts as a priority site for nomination as one of the first High Seas MPAs under the High Seas Treaty due to its extraordinary biological diversity and unique ecological features. The High Seas covers almost half the planet and sustains the greatest wealth of life on Earth, yet these vast international waters are the least protected areas of our planet; currently, just 1% is highly protected.

A year since the historic High Seas Treaty formally opened to UN Member State  signatures and the Race for Ratification began, Australia is joining leaders from around the world to call on countries to prioritize ocean protections by accelerating efforts to ratify the High Seas Treaty so that it can enter into force in 2025, and begin work to develop the case for protected areas in the high seas.

Civil society organisations are working with science partners, key stakeholders and indigenous people and local communities to support governments to begin to investigate and establish the first generation of High Seas marine protected areas which will become possible after the Treaty enters into force. In collaboration with the Australian Government, High Seas Alliance and its members, WWF, and Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative, will organise a multi-day science and knowledge symposium on The Lord Howe Rise - South Tasman Sea area that brings together key stakeholders to present and discuss the existing ecological, cultural, and commercial values of the region.

“The High Seas Treaty offers the chance for humanity to finally protect biodiversity in the half of the planet that is found in the ocean beyond national waters, which is full of diverse, unique marine life but under increasing threat and tragically under-protected. As the global community seems poised to achieve the 60 country ratifications needed to bring the Treaty into force next year, we will finally have the opportunity to legally protect the biodiversity of the high seas. The commitment to this science and knowledge symposium in the Oceania region is an important first step towards protecting the high seas in the region,” said Rebecca Hubbard, Director of the High Seas Alliance.

“Protecting 30 per cent of the world’s oceans by 2030 is a huge undertaking, but an essential one. Healthy oceans are critical to the overall health of our planet. We’re pleased to see Australia stepping up to the challenge set by Pacific leaders on ocean conservation. We know South Tasman Sea and Lord Howe Rise are essential to a wealth of marine life – this symposium will assess the research and understand gaps to inform future protection decisions, playing an important role in this process,” said Richard Leck, Head of Oceans, WWF-Australia.

"The Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) is a global network of experts that integrates science, technology, policy, law, and economics to advise on ecosystem-based management of resource use in the deep ocean. DOSI is pleased to be invited to contribute in a scientific capacity to this research symposium. The area under consideration encompasses extensive deep ocean environments, both benthic and pelagic,” said Maria Baker, Executive Director at Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative.

There are now 104 countries that have signaled their intent to ratify by signing the Treaty and thirteen nations have formally ratified. Australia has signed the Treaty and has commenced the process for ratification with the Treaty currently under review by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT).

One hundred and twenty days after 60 countries ratify, the High Seas Treaty will become the world’s first comprehensive international legal instrument to mandate the conservation and management of biodiversity in international waters across the globe. Its entry into force and implementation will be a critical contribution toward achieving international goals to reverse the climate and biodiversity crises, including the international target to protect at least 30% of the world’s ocean by 2030, agreed during the UN Biodiversity Summit in December 2022.



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