Image: Revista Puerto / FIS
Excellent Shrimp Catches
Friday, June 21, 2024, 01:00 (GMT + 9)
The vessels are distributed in three subareas located one in the center, another in the south and another in the north of the closed season. In all of them, the performances are excellent and with the majority of sizes L1 and L2. Subarea 13 was closed and there will be no new prospecting for the moment.
The good weather conditions have helped the shrimp to concentrate and become more accessible to the 84 boats of the tangon fleet that operate within the Hake Ban. This week, subarea 13 was closed due to exhaustion of concentration and part of the fleet moved south, concentrating on subarea 15; Another group went up to subarea 11 and the rest moved to the northern end, returning to subarea 4 that gave such good returns at the beginning of the season.
Source: Revista Puerto / Wiki / FIS
In all subareas, yields are excellent, 10 tons are being collected in three-minute hauls with clean bycatch shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) of good size, most of the catches are made up of sizes L1 and L2 with a predominance of the largest size in subarea 4, north of the closed season.
Although they are operating on three subareas, there are five enabled for fishing, subareas 12 between the parallels of 45º and 46º as well as subarea 5, adjacent to 4 in the north. Therefore, it is expected that the fleet will continue searching for concentrations of shrimp when those currently exploiting are depleted.
The business sector has suggested prospecting other sub-areas, especially those located between the parallels of 43º and 44º South (6,7 and 8) adjacent to the area where the best commercial sizes are being found. Some consider that keeping several sub-areas open would allow the fleet to not completely exhaust concentrations and work under better conditions.
Source: Capear Alfa
In the last meeting of the Federal Fisheries Council, the power to decide on new prospecting was delegated to the Undersecretariat of Fisheries, calling on INIDEP to design the plan; but for the moment Undersecretary López Cazorla has decided that no new prospecting will be carried out and that the fleet will have to look for the shrimp in the authorized sites.
To date, 70,200 tons have been unloaded, of which 22 thousand were captured by freezer vessels, 11 thousand by deep-sea fresh vessels. Those from the bay or estuary 7 thousand and 30 thousand from the coastal ones, but in this case the catch does not come from national waters but, almost entirely, from the Rawson season.
Source: Revista Puerto (Translated from the original in Spanish)