Photo: Ryan Cordiner / Lunar Bow/Norges Sildesalgslag /FIS
The Norwegian Pelagic Fishing Course in Week 32
Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 00:10 (GMT + 9)
A little more speed in mackerel fishing, good signs for coastal fishing for mackerel too
There has been a great deal of effort in mackerel fishing, the fleet has been over large areas in the Norwegian zone. The registration journal shows 8,870 tonnes, up from 1,968 tonnes last week. Of the total this week, around 1,000 tonnes came from two foreign vessels.
The fishing has varied greatly with the weather. From busy days, to rather bad days when the weather has changed. The mackerel is large and fine, the average size of the mackerel from the Norwegian Sea has ranged from 390 up to 490 grams.
Photo: Lunar Bow/Norges Sildesalgslag
There has also been a bit more activity along the coast. From Møre and southwards to the Boknafjord, more than 400 tonnes have been caught in lock fishing, so we hope this fishing will also be good in the future.
North Sea herring:
Almost 10,000 tonnes of North Sea herring were caught in the week, down from 19,600 last week, so there are smaller vessels active in this fishery, but there are still some boats out in the North Sea. As of today, there are around 39,000 tonnes left of the total quota of just under 150,000 tonnes.
Of the 10,000 tonnes registered this week, foreign vessels account for around 3,150.
A larger catch of NVG herring for sea production was taken north in route 3909. Otherwise, around 30 tonnes of locked herring were caught on Møre.
Sea sprat:
A foreign vessel has delivered 1,100 tonnes for grinding in Egersund.
Edge of continental shelf fishing:
2 vessels have been operating in the North Sea on industrial fishing. Here, the entry journal shows 526 tonnes of cod, 99 tonnes of stream herring, 57 tonnes of halibut and some horse mackerel and silver cod.
Source: Norges Sildesalgslag (translated from original in Norwegian)