OCEARCH is a non-profit organization with a global reach for unprecedented research on the ocean’s giant
OCEARCH works around the globe to champion the social, economic, and environmental benefits of sustainable fisheries management; protect and encourage sportfishing access as a key catalyst of conservation; support efforts which identify, reduce, and prevent the occurrence of marine debris; and advance ocean research and education.
We believe in a balanced, science-based approach to rebuild, sustain, and conserve our living marine resources. Working with Heads of State, policy makers and conservation organizations in the United States and abroad on ocean-based environmental issues OCEARCH’s cooperative approach focuses on results.
OCEARCH facilitates unprecedented research by supporting leading researchers and institutions seeking to attain groundbreaking data on the biology and health of sharks, in conjunction with basic research on shark life history and migration. The researchers we support work aboard the M/V OCEARCH, a unique 126’ vessel equipped with a custom 75,000 hydraulic lift and research platform, which serves as both mothership and at-sea laboratory.
Seafood Industry Supports Proposed Fisheries Rule Changes New Zealand
Seafood New Zealand has expressed strong support for proposed changes to commercial fishing regulations, citing benefits for consumers, common sense, and sustainability.
The proposals, released by th...
Illex Squid Season Resumes Strong Pace After South Atlantic Storm Argentina
Following several days of inactivity due to a severe storm affecting the Argentine coastline from Mar del Plata to the Falkland Islands, the jigging fleet has resumed fishing operations for Illex arge...
Russian Surimi Production Set for Expansion Russia Fed.
Russia's surimi production, a key ingredient in products like imitation crab meat, is projected to reach 85,000 tons in 2025, up from 70,800 tons in 2024, according to the All-Russia Association o...
Labor Exploitation on SPRFMO-Registered Vessels Raises Concerns Chile
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has been actively supporting workers in the industrial fishing sector, particularly those on distant-water fishing fleets, as part of its Decent W...
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