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Other Media | EuropaAzul: The Basque fleet begins the campaign for mackerel that will be exhausted in a few days

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Basque fleet begins the campaign for mackerel with the concern in the Basque fishing sector about the reduction of mackerel quotas that will make the fishing not last more than 8 days.
According to the latest quota distribution, in total the Basque purse seine fleet will be able to fish 4,286,000 kilos. As for the fleet of minor arts, it will be able to fish 4,981,000 kilos
The drastic reduction of the mackerel quota for this year set off alarm bells in the Basque fishing sector last year. Fishermen from Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia warn of the serious economic consequences that this situation can bring about
Source: EuropaAzul l Read the full article here

Other Media | aqua.cl: Proximar exceeds expectations with premium prices and expansion in Japan in 2024

Monday, March 03, 2025

During the period, the implementation of the ozone system has solved the problems with high turbidity in the water, and the company does not expect similar problems in the future.
Proximar Seafood AS, a Norwegian land-based salmon aquaculture company with its first production facility on the slopes of Mount Fuji in Japan, announced its fourth quarter and full year 2024 results. The company achieved premium prices for its Atlantic salmon in Japan in the last quarter of 2024, well above Noorwegian salmon import prices.
Source: aqua.cl l Read the full article here

Other Media | The Fish Site: Registration opens for the 2025 Global Shrimp Forum

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Global Shrimp Forum - a key calendar event for shrimp industry producers, suppliers, and stakeholders - is set to return to Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 2-4 September 2025.

This year, the GSF’s three-tiered pricing structure returns, with the early-bird prices frozen at the same rate as last year, providing an added incentive for prospective delegates to secure their places as early as possible. Early-bird registration is available until 1 May at a cost of €1,200, with mid-bird registration being available until 1 July at a cost of €1,500. Following that, late-bird registration, which is available until 2 September, will cost €1,800.

Source: The Fish Site l Read the full article here


Other Media | Fish Focus: The Norwegian Norm Price Council’s additional tax undermines sustainable aquaculture.

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Norwegian Norm Price Council’s additional tax undermines sustainable aquaculture. Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is again strongly responding to the recently announced addition to the norm price of 1.5 NOK per kg for ASC certified fish, warning that this will have serious and unintended environmental consequences for the Norwegian aquaculture industry.

The Norm Price Council has introduced a special tax on ASC certified salmon, despite the fact that the ASC programme sets significantly stricter environmental and social requirements than the Norwegian authorities themselves. 

Source: Fish Focus l Read the full article here

Other Media | SeafoodSource: Lerøy posts strong Q4 2024 results, progressing well toward long-term EBIT, harvest goals

Monday, March 03, 2025

Bergen, Norway-headquartered Lerøy Seafood Group (LSG) reported increased revenue and operational EBIT, as well as a larger harvest year over year, in the last quarter of 2024.

According to the group’s Q4 2024 report, LSG reported a consolidated operational EBIT of NOK 799 million (USD 70.9 million, EUR 68.2 million) in the period, representing an increase of NOK 35 million (USD 3.1 million, EUR 3 million) on the corresponding period of the previous year.

Its revenues for the three-month period totaled NOK 8.48 billion (USD 752.7 million, EUR 723.6 million) – up 3 percent year over year – while its salmon and trout harvest was 20 percent higher at a record 56,776 gutted weight tons (GWT).

Author: Jason Holland / SeafoodSource l Read the full article here


IN BRIEF - VASEP Infographic: Vietnam's seafood exports in January 2025

Monday, March 03, 2025

Entering 2025, Vietnam's seafood exports decreased slightly in the first month of the year, reaching 323 million USD.

Exports to some major markets are at lower levels compared to the same period such as Japan, China & HK, Korea and EU.

Source: VASEP

IN BRIEF - Maruha Nichiro Corporation has acquired shares of Kaiseimaru LLC and made it a subsidiary

Monday, March 03, 2025

  • Red sea bream and yellowtail farming in Shizuoka
  • Maruha Nichiro is promoting the supply of high-quality protein through its aquaculture business

Maruha Nichiro has acquired shares in Kaiseimaru (Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture), a sea bream and yellowtail farming company, and made it a subsidiary on November 30, 2024. The announcement was made on February 28.

According to Maruha Nichiro, Kaiseimaru's farm is located in the easternmost part of Japan, among the sea areas considered suitable for general warm-water farmed fish, and is less susceptible to environmental changes such as high water temperatures. 

Maruha Nichiro has many yellowtail farms in Western Japan, such as Kagoshima and Oita prefectures. At the farms it acquired, the water temperature in summer is about 2 degrees lower than at its Kyushu farms at its hottest, and the period when it exceeds 30 degrees is about one week, which is about one-quarter of the temperature in Western Japan.

Furthermore, its proximity to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan's largest consumer market, is anticipated to facilitate the efficient delivery of fresh farmed fish, while simultaneously minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and logistical expenses through reduced transportation distances. Maruha Nichiro Corporation intends to continue its commitment to enriching consumer lifestyles by delivering sustainable food products.

IN BRIEF - Kyokuyo Expands Frozen Food Production with New Tottori Factory

Friday, February 28, 2025

Kyokuyo Co., Ltd. announces the completion of a new commercial frozen food production facility by its subsidiary, Kyokuyo Foods Co., Ltd., in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture. The Kurayoshi Factory was completed on February 26th.

Previously, Kyokuyo's primary production of fried frozen foods was concentrated at its Shiogama Factory in Miyagi Prefecture. To capitalize on anticipated growth in the commercial frozen food market, the company sought to expand production capacity and optimize logistics for Western Japan.

The establishment of the Kurayoshi Factory creates a dual production hub, with the Shiogama Factory serving Eastern Japan and the Kurayoshi Factory serving Western Japan. This strategic expansion will enhance production capabilities, streamline logistics, and ultimately drive growth in Kyokuyo's food business.

Other Media | iPac.acuicultura: The XXVII edition of the ForoAcui will be held on October 2 and 3, 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025

The date has already been set for the next celebration of the Forum of Marine Resources and Aquaculture of the Galician Estuaries (XXVII ForoAcui). It will be on October 2 and 3 and, as has been happening in recent years, it will be held at the Municipal Auditorium of O Grove.
This location will be the one that will host, over the course of two days, researchers, representatives of the economic sectors and the administration, students, entrepreneurs and social organizations with the purpose of analyzing and debating, with the help of experts in the field, the reality and future prospects of fishing, shellfish farming and, especially, aquaculture.
Source: iPac.acuicultura l Read the full article here

Other Media | La Voz de Galicia: The Port of Vigo plans the first rail-port highway in the Atlantic

Friday, February 28, 2025

Working with Transglobal and Termavi on a connection to link the city with the railway network of the entire Peninsula
The Port Authority of Vigo wants to reinforce the movement of goods by train, a commitment for which they are now working on the first rail-port highway on the Atlantic coast. This was conveyed this morning by the president of the Port, Carlos Botana, before the board of directors, explaining that the intention is for this infrastructure to serve as a link to connect the terminal in the south of Galicia «with the railway highway network of the entire Peninsula». The institution maintains that this plan «would facilitate the exit of vehicles from the roads and would encourage the capture of different goods».
Source: La Voz de Galicia l Read the full article here

Other Media | SalmonBusiness: No, farmed salmon are not artificially coloured like candy

Friday, February 28, 2025

Is farmed salmon ‘artificially coloured’? The facts about astaxanthin and food dyes.

Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned Red Dye No. 3—a colouring found in everything from pastries to pills—citing studies linking it to thyroid cancer in animals. The dye had already been prohibited in cosmetics since 1990, yet it remained in food and medicine for decades.

Activists have sought to draw an equivalence between this and the use of astaxanthin in farmed salmon, arguing that both are synthetic pigments added to alter appearance. The comparison is misleading. While Red Dye No. 3 is purely cosmetic, astaxanthin is a naturally occurring dietary component essential to salmon health.

Author: Matthew Wilcox / SalmonBusiness l Read the full article here


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Other Media | EuropaAzul: The Basque fleet begins the campaign for mackerel that will be exhausted in a few days
Mar 3, 00:00 (GMT + 9):
Other Media | aqua.cl: Proximar exceeds expectations with premium prices and expansion in Japan in 2024
Mar 3, 00:00 (GMT + 9):
Other Media | The Fish Site: Registration opens for the 2025 Global Shrimp Forum
Mar 3, 00:00 (GMT + 9):
Other Media | Fish Focus: The Norwegian Norm Price Council’s additional tax undermines sustainable aquaculture.

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Natori Co., Ltd.
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