'It is not possible for this industry to continue operating outside the law and polluting unique areas of Patagonia such as Puyuhuapi...' Greenpeace
Greenpeace denounces salmon farm in Puyuhuapi
(CHILE, 10/27/2021)
The environmental organization assures that the company has carried out, since mid-August of this year, operating activities of a salmon aquaculture farm in the Patagonian region of Aysén, without having an Environmental Qualification Resolution authorizing its execution. In addition, they explain, they would just be operating a concession of more than 20 years old, which should be expired.
The environmental organization Greenpeace Chile filed a complaint with the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) for circumvention of the environmental impact assessment system against the company Salmoconcesiones XI Región SA.
Photo: Puyuhuapi sin salmoneras
The complaint is based on the fact that the aforementioned company, holder of an aquaculture concession in the place, granted by means of Exempt Resolution No. 1791, dated September 30, 1999, of the Undersecretariat for the Armed Forces, has carried out since mid-August of this year operating activities of a salmon aquaculture center, without having an Environmental Qualification Resolution authorizing its execution. In addition, they explain, they would just be operating a concession of more than 20 years old, which should be expired.
The Salmones de Chile company has a 6.5-hectare concession in the heart of the Puyuhuapi bay, in the Aysén region, for the production of salmon. This concession was granted in 1998, and since 2013 it did not register any type of operation.
"Illegal" activity
“In the complaint, we stated that, given the type of project and its location, it was responsible for previously entering the Environmental Impact Assessment System according to the applicable environmental legislation, which did not happen. The operations of this project are completely illegal and must be stopped. We hope that the SMA will carry out the necessary audits, stop this project while it is investigated, to later open a sanctioning procedure that determines the specific infractions and sanctions for the case. From Greenpeace we maintain that this project cannot continue or be subsequently approved ”, emphasizes Estefanía González, Greenpeace Campaigns Coordinator.
This Greenpeace complaint is made in support of the Puyuhuapi movement without salmon companies, who have already presented an appeal for protection and an application for the expiration of the aquaculture concession, along with various demonstrations.
Luisa Ludwig, a local historian from Puyuhuapi and a member of the Puyuhuapi movement without salmon farms explains that "beyond defending our sources of income, which depend on the scenic beauty of our bay and the cleanliness of its waters, our fight against salmon farming in the bay de Puyuhuapi obeys a theme of principles: nature has its laws ".
"The environment does not forgive a permanent violation of its ecological balance. The voluntarism of the company Salmones de Chile, which supposedly has the 'right' to install its cages and bring its salmon, is an example of contempt for Mother Earth, for the on which we all depend and without whose approval we are destined to disappear. We are not going to allow the illegal installation of this company, and we will continue working to defend the bay, "he said.
"Once again we see how a salmon company arrives and is installed illegally, without even having an environmental qualification resolution and for that reason, its installation was in the middle of the night. From Greenpeace in support of the local community, we join the legal actions with this complaint to the Superintendency of the Environment. This project should not be installed. It is not possible for this industry to continue operating outside the law and contaminating unique areas of Patagonia such as the Bay of Puyuhuapi, in the Park area Nacional Queulat ", concluded González.
Source: El Mostrador
Information of the company: