This year's event is more than just an exhibition, it is a transformative journey to redefine the food industry as we know it.
The Food Industry's Major Technology Week Returns to Bilbao with the New Edition of F4F – Expo Foodtech 2025
(SPAIN, 2/18/2025)
The event will bring together, from May 13th to 15th at the BEC, more than 250 exhibiting companies and 350 experts to drive efficiency and sustainability in the food industry.
Expo Foodtech will once again be held simultaneously with Pick&Pack for Food Industry, the only event in Spain specializing in packaging and logistics solutions for the food industry.
Madrid/Bilbao – The food industry's major technology week is revving up for its new edition. F4F - Expo Foodtech 2025 has already unveiled the novelties of its upcoming event, which will take place at the BEC-Bilbao Exhibition Centre from May 13th to 15th, 2025, to showcase the latest innovations and solutions in automation, robotics, AI, etc., that are driving process efficiency in food production plants. Under the theme "Smart Food Solutions," it will gather over 8,000 industry professionals to explore strategies and success stories that will contribute to further transforming the industry, making it increasingly efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced.
"Digitalization is the engine of efficiency in the food industry, and its promotion is key to automating and improving competitiveness. In a changing geopolitical context, we need a long-term vision to manage the future of food, for which Food 4 Future is consolidating itself as a space for stimulation and reflection," said Raúl Pérez Iratxeta, Deputy Minister of Food and Rural Development of the Basque Government. María Naranjo, Director of the Agri-Food Industry at ICEX, echoed these words, highlighting the importance of this meeting to set a positioning strategy for the Spanish food industry in innovation and to establish alliances that project a solid image of Spain as an agrifoodtech nation.
Javier Dueñas, President of Expo Foodtech and CEO of Campofrío, emphasized that, "with a focus on the future of the food sector, this event continues to consolidate itself as a key space for collaboration with a long-term perspective." In this sense, "F4F2025 is positioned as a transformative journey to redefine the food industry as we know it. We will welcome the future of the food industry with the incorporation of automation technologies, robotics, Artificial Intelligence, processing systems... to advance towards the improvement of efficiency and sustainability in production plants," said Sergio Fabregat, Director of F4F – Expo Foodtech.
Therefore, more than 250 exhibiting companies will present their latest solutions in foodtech, robotics and automation, processing and packaging machinery, as well as in food science and safety, covering the different segments of the industry.
Expo Foodtech 2025, a Journey to the Future of Food
Over three days, food industry professionals will be able to attend more than 170 hours of conferences spread across five simultaneous auditoriums, where leading experts will gather to guide this journey to the future of the sector. They will do so at the Food 4 Future World Summit, the largest European congress in the field, which will bring together more than 320 speakers to share innovation and digitalization strategies. In addition, the congress will explore a more comprehensive view of food, not only as sustenance, but as a concept that encompasses key aspects such as sustainability and innovation.
Rogelio Pozo, CEO of AZTI and Director of the congress, pointed out that the industry faces challenges such as inflation, increased production costs, climate change, and evolving consumer habits. "Digitalization and efficiency will be fundamental to ensure the sector's competitiveness, while sustainability must be integrated into all innovation strategies," said Pozo. He also highlighted the need for balanced regulation that allows for competition on equal terms with imports and the attraction of talent in a sector undergoing transformation.
The implementation of technologies and innovations for more efficient and sustainable food production will be one of the highlights of the sessions. According to official figures, the implementation of solutions that reduce food waste and promote circular economy practices could save the global economy $700 billion annually.

Asimismo, también se abordarán el auge de las innovaciones basadas en proteína vegetal, en un contexto en el que se espera que el mercado global de alimentos de origen vegetal alcance los 162 mil millones de dólares para 2030, impulsado por las nuevas preferencias de los consumidores que cada vez están más concienciados con la alimentación saludable y la producción sostenible. Además de soluciones para mejorar la seguridad y calidad alimentaria.
Todas estas tendencias serán abordadas a través de los diferentes foros verticales especializados para cada segmento de la industria (agritech, cárnica, bebidas, panadería y pastelería, pesca, lácteos…) y de las agendas especializadas para cada perfil profesional (CEOs, CTOs, COOs, directores de calidad, responsables de producción…).

Pick&Pack for Food Industry repite cita simultánea con Expo Foodtech en 2025
Tras el éxito del pasado año, Pick&Pack for Food Industry, el único evento en España especializado en soluciones de packaging y logística para la industria alimentaria, volverá a celebrarse de manera simultánea con F4F – Expo Foodtech en 2025. Esta nueva edición destacará las últimas tendencias en digitalización y sostenibilidad para el sector del packaging así como el rol fundamental de la logística en el área de la distribución de la cadena alimentaria a través de la implementación de nuevas tecnologías.
De esta forma, Bilbao volverá a convertirse en el epicentro mundial de un sector, el de la alimentación y las bebidas, que en 2023 alcanzó una producción real valorada en 162.459 millones de euros en España. Organizado por NEBEXT y AZTI, F4F – Expo Foodtech cuenta con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, la Diputación de Bizkaia, el Gobierno Vasco, el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, y del ICEX, así como de otras organizaciones y patronales del sector.

Information of the company:
BEC – Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Azkue Kalea, 1
Pais Vasco (48902)
+34 919 551 551
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