Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Updates are produced for ASMI by the McKinley Research Group
2024 Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Update #8
(UNITED STATES, 8/16/2024)
Harvest Through 8/10/2024 (Statistical Week 32)
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•Alaska salmon harvests have reached 55% of the projected total for the year, compared to 77% for the corresponding timeframe in 2023. Current harvest levels are 50% lower year over-year statewide, largely due to the significant decline in pink salmon.
• While it is typical to see lower harvest yields for pink salmon in even years, current harvests remain 50% below 2022 harvests for the same period. Recent trade reports indicate this is not an Alaska-specific issue, with Russian Bering Sea harvests of pink salmon also falling short of projections.
• Prince William Sound is typically Alaska’s highest-producing region for pink salmon, followed by Southeast. Pink harvests are down in both regions, -70% and -12% respectively, which has led some fisherman to limit their participation for the remainder of the season.
• Keta harvests also remain below the forecast, with all regions of Alaska having a negative year-over-year change. This year, keta harvests peaked in statistical week 27, a full two weeks before the usual peak around statistical week 29.
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2024 Average Fish Weights
- Bristol Bay drift gillnet sockeye: 4.2 pounds
- Southeast troll fisheries: Chinook 10.9 lbs., coho 4.9 lbs., keta 9.1 lbs.
- Taku Inlet/Stephens Passage/Port Snettisham (Southeast) drift gillnet: keta 6.0 lbs
- Prince William Sound purse seine hatchery cost recovery fishery: pink 3.5 lbs.
Source: alaskaseafood.org
Information of the company:
311 N. Franklin Street., Suite 200
Alaska (AK 99801)
United States
+1 907 465 5560
+1 907 465 5572
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