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Last March, it became known that Erling Braut Haaland had entered into an agreement with the Norwegian Seafood Council. Now is the time to speed up.
The Seafood Council launches the 'Godfisk' campaign with Haaland
(NORWAY, 10/22/2024)
Here is Erling Braut Haaland filming with Norway's Seafood Council and "Godfisk". This week you can see the result in a number of media channels in this Norway.
The recordings with Haaland were made in connection with the national team's meeting in Oslo in September. Just over a month later, the first two films are now ready for premiere.
- A fantastic seafood ambassador
"Through this film production, we are taking the collaboration with Erling Braut Haaland a step further. He is a fantastic seafood ambassador and was as professional on set as he is on the football pitch. We are therefore very much looking forward to showing off the result, first in Norway and then with our own media outlets internationally", says marketing director Camilla Beck at Norway's Seafood Council.
The production itself was completed within four hours. Despite the fact that there was a high tempo during the recording, Haaland kept both his composure and his mood during the recording.
"This applied both when he had to run around the football pitch with photographers, various assistants and recording manager after him and in the kitchen where both messages and seafood dishes came on a conveyor belt",says Beck.
Salmon and turbot are Haaland's favourites
As a top athlete, Erling Braut Haaland is very concerned about getting enough and the right nutrition.
- Why is seafood important in your own diet?
- First and foremost because it ensures variety in my diet. In addition, it is both healthy and good for me, Haaland replies.
- What are your personal seafood favourites?
- Salmon and turbot.
The campaign premieres on Monday 21 October, is aimed at the Norwegian market and will have "Godfisk" as the sender. For the next three weeks, it will be visible on TV, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram.
- Salmon is perfect for sports heroes
"We are going to show two films, both of which will highlight salmon as the perfect supplement for sports heroes. I can promise tempting food pictures that are sure to make people's mouths water, while also presenting a charming Haaland with a twinkle in his eye", says marketing manager Agnete Bell at Norway's Seafood Council.
In recent years, "Godfisk" has worked with many well-known and talented profiles, such as Karsten Warholm and Emilie Voe Nereng. Agnete Bell nevertheless admits that she is extra excited and anticipatory when Norway's perhaps most famous person and one of the world's greatest footballers is on the team.
Proud of the collaboration
"We are very proud of this collaboration. When a celebrity like Kim Kardashian is starstruck by meeting him, it is a big deal for us at the Seafood Council that Erling Braut Haaland cheers for Norwegian seafood. He is a fantastic ambassador for us, and we are sure that the campaign will inspire many to include more seafood in their diet",says Agnete Bell.